Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It is cool to watch the connection between these two sisters. Hope lights up whenever Sarah is around and Sarah loves to hold and "mother" her little sister. I pray that these little girls will grow up to be good friends one day!


Hostetter6 said...

Wow, Hope is looking so much bigger already! She doesn't look like a tiny little newborn. Time just flies, doesn't it?

Regarding the pics ... anytime. We're close enough that we could pop over any morning or early afternoon that Mark would be available. Check with him and let me know. I'll pay for the shots. Also, I know Father's Day is just a few days away, so this gift can be post-Father's Day gift ... I certainly don't expect him to fit this in before then. And, if he doesn't want to do it, that is fine to. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hope is really changing her looks...i can't quite decide who she looks like?

As far as picture shoots, sure i will schedule one for our time at the beach? ha.ha.
