Sunday, August 5, 2012

raising a princess.

i think the key to raising a princess lies within this picture.

Three simple words: TRUST in GOD.

During worship this morning at church I was convicted on how much I am still trying to do this thing called mothering on my own strength a lot of days. Honestly I am sick of my own lectures.  I wear the responsibility of my children's lives like it is a cross to bear at times. I too often feel like it is all up to me. But when I am weak God's strength can work in and through me. And God loves my kids so much more than I can imagine.  I want to let go and trust God and watch Him work.

Miss Sarah is seven...going on twelve. All of sudden I see her growing up before my very eyes. She is beautiful, creative and strong. She is very perceptive and she is always watching me. In September she is going to be a flower girl in a wedding so she has been asking me all sorts of questions about love and marriage, weddings and modesty. We have had some good talks and a lot of times I come away wanting to be a better mama to this princess God has called us to raise.
 "Little girls want to know, "Am I lovely? " The twirling skirts, the dress up and the longing to be pretty and to be seen-that is what it's all about."  

(John & Stasi Elderidge)

 "A little girl longs for romance, to be seen and desired, to be sought after and fought for. Girl's hearts flourish in homes where they are SEEN and INVITED to become ever more themselves."

(John & Stasi Elderidge)

"The relationship between mother and daughter is a holy, tender, fierce thing fraught with land mines and umbilical cords that stretch and sometimes strangle. The desire in a daughter to please her mother is matched only by her desire to be separate from her....
...Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside of your body. How a mother aches to protect her child. And yet all the while, from infancy to adulthood a good mother is training her child to move more way from her..."

(John and Stasi Elderidge)

Lord help me to let go. I want her to know she is lovely, that she is seen and invited to be herself. I want to mother with your heart. Thank you that is not all up to me. Amen.

1 comment:

Jena said...

needed desperately to read those eldredge quotes... tears in my eyes...