Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Visitors from NY, NC, PA and San Diego

We had a great night last night with some of Heather's family. On Sunday her Aunt Pat & Uncle Jeff along with her cousins and grandfather, Poppy, arrived in Emerald Isle. We had dinner together last night at RuckerJohn's and then spent some time relaxing at the beach house where they are staying. We had a great time visiting with the crew while the kids devoured watermelon and ice pops. Brad & Carla's daughter Addison & Silas hit it off while Moses and TJ played on the beach. We left feeling blessed by our time together and very thankful for our families. Here are some pics.

Moses and Poppy on the Beach

Poppy enjoying his grandchildren and great-grandchildren on the beach

Sarah and Poppy feasting on watermelon

Mark & the kids!

Silas and Addison enjoying fudge pops while Poppy enjoys some ice cream

Finger painting anyone!

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