Friday, January 31, 2014


"I lose my ability to be afraid when I see the way you love me."
~Cageless Birds

I have never declared a word over a year. But this year I feel I need to declare one over this year, over myself. If I could chose one word for 2014 it would be freedom. A year to soar. To sing the song I was born to sing. To fly free from the cage of fear, pressure and expectations. 

God has started an unraveling process in my heart. It is a good undoing. It is the unraveling of fear and wrong views of the Father.  I am recognizing that my default mode is condemnation and religion. If I feel like I messed up then I want rules and regulations so I won't fail again. I self impose these rules on myself only to feel like a failure when I mess up again. It is a constant downward cycle. 
 The Lord's heart is not rules and religion but grace, love, freedom. He is not afraid of my mistakes. I will say it again, He is not afraid of my mistakes. Or my children's. I don't need to be afraid either.

Over the years He has been teaching me more of who He really is. He is fathering me in His love. I am a cageless bird that is sometimes afraid to fly from the open cage.  I hear my Father calling.  He is saying "Fly my daughter. You are free." There is no cage.

For Christmas Mark bought me this canvas. The more I look at it the more I know this is the Lord's heart for me. It is not even the end of January and I see the things He is doing in me and it makes me excited for what else He has for me in this year of freedom. I believe I will be brave and soar...

~The glory of God is man fully alive~

1 comment:

Angela said...

It is so hard to live knowing God isn't afraid of my mistakes, and I know to often I parent my children fearing they will make them. I know my God is bigger than any of our mistakes. FREEDOM! I love it.