Monday, February 3, 2014

seeing the blessing of today.

Truth be told I was not jumping for joy when the text cam in at 6:30 am saying that school was now closed. Mark left early yesterday morning for Oregon and for some reason yesterday seemed like one of the longest days ever. I had a head cold that felt like it was turning into a sinus infection and the thought of a week of him being away loomed in the back of my head like a death sentence. I wasn't sure if I could make it. Dramatic? Maybe. But those were the thoughts rolling through my head. 
So when I awoke to another fresh snow cover I was feeling a bit heavy. Cabin fever and sickness is already high in this household so the thought of another day in the house with five kids felt a bit daunting.
But as I came downstairs and started my coffee I looked out the window. "It is pretty out there..." I stepped out onto the porch. We live in the middle of nowhere so the only sound I could hear was the birds chirping and the snow falling. It was so quiet and peaceful and beautiful. Something inside of me started to shift.  I snapped a picture with my phone.

I have spring fever and dream of the days we can gather around the picnic table, run in the yard (versus the house) and sit in the sun. But by August I will be pining for something else so today I want to choose thankfulness. So today I am thankful for quiet peaceful snow fall, a warm cozy house, hot coffee, boys playing legos together, a big sister reading to little sister, a baby playing mama, and a house full of life...chaotic, loud, messy life.

P.S. i wrote this in the morning while the coffee was still hot and the day new. But because of the snow our Internet was down so I never posted the entry. It is now after lunch and this perspective is barely hanging by a thread. It seems so easy in theory to just embrace this day but when there is fighting and whining and headaches (my own) it is hard to do.... 

So that is why I am writing this instead of sweeping the floor, doing the umpteenth load of laundry or breaking up the fight that is ensuing in the kitchen...because I need this...perspective. Help me God to see the blessings of today!


Unknown said...

hahaha. i hear ya. i had no idea mark was away for a week...what is he doing? here's to having school tomorrow, and wed. too...cause i hear there's questionable weather coming for wed. ;/ does your landlord plow you out??

Lori said...

You have beautiful children and thoughts! I love the humble and realistic posts you share - can you please write a book that speaks to all Mothers? Mothers share so much in common but actually share so little with each other sometimes. I am so happy we re-connected! Take care and stay sane! Hugs, Lori